Welfare Activities

Daily about 140 poor children between age group of 5 yrs to 17 yrs are being provided with cooked food...

Distribution of New Clothes
Distribution of New Clothes
For Deepavali, new clothes is being distributed to inmates of Govt. Rehabilitation (leprosy) Homes...

Buttermilk Distribution
Buttermilk Distribution
During summer, month of May, buttermilk to the wayfarers is being distributed...
Covid-19 Relief Work
We have distributed Provisions and hygiene kits to about 12,080 poor / needy families in and around Salem District. We have spent to the tune of Rs.98,50,000...

Covid 2nd wave Relief Work
This year Ashrama carried out Covid 2nd wave relief work and spend nearly about 35 lakhs. We donated Industrial Laundry machine & 150 sets of Hospital Steel Cot, Mattress, Bedspread, pillow etc. to Salem Govt. Hospital. We performed Annadana during the months of May and June 2021 (24,000 plates of food served).